Are you tired throughout the day or grappling with frequent snoring? The underlying cause could be related to your oral health. Del Rio Dental Studio provides treatment options to address snoring and sleep apnea by tackling the issues that cause them.
Sleep apnea is a condition in which you jolt awake suddenly throughout the night due to a lack of airflow. As muscles in your throat relax, they can block the airway. This can happen multiple times throughout the night, with or without you remembering waking.
Sleep apnea isn’t something that you can simply live with. It seriously affects your quality of life and your long-term health. The reduced quality of your sleep leaves you tired and fatigued throughout the day, unable to perform well in your career or social situations.
Beyond that, sleep apnea also poses a serious health risk. Sleep apnea is closely associated with high blood pressure, as your body must compensate for the lower oxygen content when your airway constricts.
Many people with sleep apnea aren’t aware of the issue. Most don’t remember waking up through the night or attribute the cause to something else, like having to go to the bathroom. If you experience snoring, daytime fatigue, waking up with a dry mouth, or morning headaches, you may have sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea is serious, but there are treatments available. Changing your lifestyle may be one option, as risk factors such as smoking, alcohol use, and obesity all contribute to sleep apnea.
At Del Rio Dental Studio, we will evaluate your needs and determine whether an oral appliance may be right for you. This sleep apnea treatment holds the jaw in a position that helps avoid airway constriction as your sleep.
In severe cases, a CPAP machine may be necessary. This machine maintains positive airway pressure with a mask that you wear while sleeping.
Our office staff is available to answer all of your questions and assist with the appointment process.
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